Affordable housing is vital for long-term sustainability of British Columbia, but what should be done to improve it?
A consultation by the provincial government has been running since the start of 2020. However, time is running out for stakeholders to have their say on where the focus should be.
The feedback will inform the Expert Panel on the Future of Housing Supply and Affordability which was formed by the governments of Canada and British Columbia in September 2019.
“People who are making a decent income, whether renting or wanting to purchase a home, ,” said Joy MacPhail, chair, Expert Panel on the Future of Housing Supply and Affordability. “The panel has set up a website in order to get input from a diverse and robust cross-section of British Columbians who can provide insight and suggest solutions to address the issues of supply of affordable housing.”
Experts, organizations and citizens are invited to share ideas on ways to address housing challenges in British Columbia. The consultations will be open until April 3, 2020 and there will be a summary report on the findings in the summer with a full report by the end of the year.
Steve Randall has more than three decades of media experience encompassing online, newspapers, magazines, radio, and podcasts. He focuses on insights and news for professionals in finance, real estate, and legal services. Steve writes for multiple Key Media titles in Canada, United States, Australia, and New Zealand.