A red, white, and black flag with a white background.

United States of Opportunity

A woman taking a picture of the brooklyn bridge.

When another day of US-dominated news draws to an end, few Canadians are lying in bed thinking, “Boy, things sure look good in America. We should buy some property down there.” But the political funk hanging over the country obscures some essential truths about its real estate market. Job growth has been staggering, putting more Americans in a position to either buy or spend more on improved rental accommodations. Most critically, though, prices for renovated properties in solid rental markets are incredibly low, often less than what the common Ontario or BC investor will put up for a 10% down payment on a 700-sq ft condo that has no chance of cash flowing.

Canadian investors are running themselves ragged for 4% returns. Keith and Linda Perrin, the husband and wife duo behind All-Ternative Solutions, want to change that by making property investment in the United States as attainable for Canadians as it is for Americans. For them, there has rarely been a better time to purchase rental properties in the US.

“In 2008, the market dumped,” says Keith. “And that was actually the best opportunity to start making money in the United States. The reason why we are in the states that we are in – New Jersey, Ohio, Kansas – is because they are some of the later ones to be recovering and we’re still able to get returns of 15% or more.”

“It’s purely economical,” says Linda. “In the States you can buy a fully renovated house for $35,000 that rents for up to $1,000 a month. That’s why we invest in the States.”

Making it happen
But investing in the US is still a daunting proposition for many Canadians. Questions about financing, sourcing and managing properties abound, and not everyone pedaling solutions actually has any answers.

The Perrins learned this through their own, as well as their clients’, experiences attending real estate seminars, some costing as much as $20,000 per person, which left them and their fellow attendees short on practical information. The only thing in abundance was promotion for more training sessions.

“You learn a little bit, but then you have to go back to the next level to get the next piece, and you have to go to the next level so you actually have enough useful information to work with,” says Linda. “The early levels are to entice you to spend more money with them.

“You’re not supposed to be investing in a course. You’re supposed to be investing in houses.”

Through their company All-Ternative Solutions, Linda and Keith have been facilitating real estate deals for Canadians looking for alternatives to their own overheated markets for the past three and a half years. They have assembled their considerable knowledge, amassed over the course of almost 80 deals, into a training/mentoring package for a wide range of investors: novices needing a grip on terminology and strategies; students who are hopelessly priced out of the Canadian market; experienced investors who want to replicate their success in the US. It’s not only affordable – a three-day training session is only $1,500; mentoring costs a mere $250 a month – it is also personalized.

“Because training courses often involve hundreds of people, there’s no attempt to make sure each individual ends up walking out the door with the tools they need to start,” says Linda, adding that she and Keith only accept 10 attendees at a time. “I have found too many people out there trying to make investors follow their path, not walking beside someone and helping them develop their own path.”

In addition to giving investors the tools needed to test the US market, the Perrins have also developed a network of real estate professionals in several attractive US cities, from property managers to lawyers, who are ready to help Canadians succeed. Between this invaluable network, their years of experience and a commitment to affordability that will leave more capital in the pockets of their clients, Keith and Linda Perrin provide the information and support investors need to succeed when venturing into the world of US real estate.

“We teach people the information they need in order to work successfully in the United States, from finding properties to negotiating deals to ensuring their properties are run properly and ethically,” says Keith.

“And when they’re done,” Linda adds, “they’ll be able to make rational decisions based on numbers, rather than ‘Would I live there?’”

To learn more about All-Ternative Solutions, download this To sign up for the Perrins’ upcoming training event, to be held 14-16th February in North Bay, Ontario, call (705) 474-4794 or email today.

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