Property managers and landlords using the Yardi Breeze solution now have resident screening capabilities.
The latest update to the property management software means that tenant decisions can be taken within minutes thanks to the connection to the Certn risk management database.
The database scans data from thousands of publicly available records and uses artificial intelligence to score tenancy applicants. The data includes 350 Canadian court boards and tribunals, high-risk behaviours, criminal and court records from 340 countries, and adverse media, eviction records, watch lists and social media profiles.
“Resident qualification is a critical part of the leasing process,” said Peter Altobelli, Vice President and general manager of Yardi Canada Ltd.
.@YardiBreeze now offers resident screening for clients in #Canada, enabling #propertymanagers to make smart rental decisions and minimize risk.
— YARDI (@Yardi) October 10, 2019
Steve Randall has more than three decades of media experience encompassing online, newspapers, magazines, radio, and podcasts. He focuses on insights and news for professionals in finance, real estate, and legal services. Steve writes for multiple Key Media titles in Canada, United States, Australia, and New Zealand.