A red, white, and black flag with a white background.


Nearly every major road in North America is dotted with billboards. We all know that companies are paying to advertise on those signs, but what...

As property values have increased in most major markets in Canada, investors continue to look for ways to enhance their ROI. One of the ways...

Whatever your politics, there is no denying that the green revolution is here. From compost heaps to Teslas, Canadians are taking a serious look at...

It was around nine o’clock on Halloween of 2019. Most of the night’s trick-or-treaters had already returned home, peeled off their second skins and dumped...

In a real estate environment of diminishing returns, like the one we’re experiencing in the GTA, it’s important that investors seek opportunities to diversify their...

Utilities represent a significant portion of a building’s operating budget – typically 30% to 40%. Electricity and gas are primarily consumed by the building’s heating,...

The biggest regret I’ve had as an investor, thankfully and mercifully, was an early one: my first condo. I was 22 and had recently closed...

If you’re familiar with Stephen Covey’s bestseller, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, you’ll know one of his tenets is “begin with the end in...

During a typical home sale, the listing agent commits to negotiate for the highest possible price. The buyer’s agent commits to negotiate for the lowest...

Excitement and uncertainty go hand-in-hand for anyone looking to purchase a property, especially first-time buyers. For many, there’s a sizeable learning curve to overcome in...

Most Trending News

On March 22, 2024, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) announced significant funding allocations from the Housing Accelerator Fund for Grand Bay-Westfield, Harvey Rural...

On April 19th, Statistics Canada released data indicating a decrease in investment in building construction for the month of February. The total investment declined by...

According to an Edge Realty Analytics report, The Edge Report – March 2024, there are some notable trends being experienced by mortgage lenders that may...